
4 articles

AQUA-CARRIERE© Prévenir les risques aquatique en carrières.

AQUA-CARRIERE©:  prévenir les risques aquatiques en carrières. Objectifs : Former les compagnons à identifier les risques aquatiques et à savoir utiliser les moyens de sauvetage en cas de chutes à l’eau en carrière. Savoir utiliser les moyens collectifs de sauvetage et utiliser correctement leurs Équipements Individuels de Flottaison. Public concerné : cette formation est destinée aux compagnons des carrières équipés d’un gilet de sauvetage (EIF) et exposées au risque de chute à l’eau. Référence réglementaire : code de travail Article R. 4323-106  Le […]

Childhome Neoprene Waterproof Baby Carrier

Childhome Neoprene Waterproof Baby Carrier is useful if you want to cool off on a warm summer day with your baby. Thanks to the water-resistant neoprene fabric, the baby carrier is ideal for outside and inside water use. Wear your baby in the shower, at the beach, at the water-park or in the pool. This especially comes in handy for keeping your hands free to play. This lightweight carrier that floats in water has additional floating foam on the inside […]

Waterland baby carrier

Waterland is an innovative carrier that can be used both – in water and on Land. Allows you to enter safely with your baby to the water. For babies 4m-2Y / 13-33 lbs / 6-15 kg Can be worn with baby’s face out or towards you. Surrounds and attaches your baby to you, allowing hands free and available. Waterland is made of Neoprene – the material used for diving & surfing suits. Elastic, breathing, soft & easy drying. Maintains the […]

Juju Roo water baby carrier

When we bought our house three years ago, little did we know that I would be expecting our first child two weeks after we moved in. I spent that first summer pregnant, lazily floating in our neighborhood swimming pool appreciating the buoyancy’s soothing effect on my ever expanding frame. The following summer, we took our son to the pool as soon as he turned 3 months old. Every week, I would look forward to sunny days spent with my son […]