résolutions msc

6 articles

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)

Resolutions are included in the final report of the Committee meeting during which they were adopted. They may appear as an Annex to the meeting report. Document symbols for resolutions include the resolution number and session information. For example, MSC.364(92) refers to MSC Resolution number 364 which was adopted during the 92nd session of the Maritime Safety Committee. Resolutions are listed by number, the most recent resolution (highest number) to the earliest resolution (lowest number).

From 2000 to the present, IMODOCS allows access to IMO official documents. Registration is required to access IMODOCS.

It is not always possible to ascertain the current status of resolutions. We recommend you consult your national maritime administration which is the appropriate channel for dissemination of IMO information.

RESOLUTION MSC.207(81) (adopted on 18 May 2006) ADOPTION …

1.2 Lifejackets shall be provided in three sizes in accordance with table 2.1. If a lifejacket fully complies with the requirements of two adjacent size ranges, …

RESOLUTION MSC.200(80) (adopted on 13 May 2005) ADOPTION …

May 13, 2005 … The lifejacket should remain intact and should hold its pressure for 30 min. The lifejackets should show no signs of damage such as cracking, …


provisions of this Recommendation when testing life-jackets for approval. … A prototype life-jacket should undergo donning and water performance tests.

MSC.1/Circ.1446/Rev.2 8 August 2013 RECOMMENDED INTERIM …

Aug 8, 2013 … 2, when lifejackets are stowed in passenger cabins, in order to ensure the lifejacket location is visible under all possible lighting conditions …

RESOLUTION MSC.81(70) (adopted on 11 December 1998 …

Dec 11, 1998 … Additional tests for lifejacket buoyancy material other than cork or … The lifejacket should not be damaged as a result of this test.

RESOLUTION A.689(17) adopted on 6 November 1991 TESTING …

Nov 6, 1991 … The signal should function effectively and for the minimum time required. 2. LIFEJACKETS. 2.1 Temperature cycling test. A lifejacket should be …

RESOLUTION A 521(13) adopted on 17 November 1983 …

Nov 17, 1983 … Each of these lifejackets should then be subjected to the tests in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.6. For the fire testone lifejacket should be inflated and …

Life-saving appliances

… life-saving appliances, including lifeboats, lifebuoys, life-jackets, … life-saving appliances such as lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits, …

RESOLUTION MSC.47(66) (adopted on 4 June 1996) ADOPTION …

Lifejackets. 2.1. A lifejacket complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 of the Code shall be provided for ever)’ person on board the ship …

RESOLUTION MSC.226(82) (adopted on 8 December 2006 …

Dec 8, 2006 … LIFEJACKETS. 3. The following words are added at the end of paragraph “Each lifejacket should then be subjected to the tests in …

Décret n° 2013-163 du 22 février 2013 portant publication de la résolution MSC.207(81)

Décret n° 2013-163 du 22 février 2013 portant publication de la résolution MSC.207(81) relative à l’adoption d’amendements au Recueil international de règles relatives aux engins de sauvetage (recueil LSA) (ensemble une annexe), adoptée à Londres le 18 mai 2006 (1) AMENDEMENTS AU RECUEIL INTERNATIONAL DE RÈGLES RELATIVES AUX ENGINS DE SAUVETAGE (RECUEIL LSA) Chapitre Ier Généralités 1 Modifier comme suit l’actuel alinéa .2 du paragraphe 1.2.2 : « .2 ne pas être endommagés pendant l’arrimage lorsque la température de l’air […]

Résolution MSC.207(81) relatives aux engins de sauvetage.

DECRET  Décret n° 2013-163 du 22 février 2013 portant publication de la résolution MSC.207(81) relative à l’adoption d’amendements au Recueil international de règles relatives aux engins de sauvetage (recueil LSA) (ensemble une annexe), adoptée à Londres le 18 mai 2006 (1) NOR: MAEJ1303694D Le Président de la République, Sur le rapport du Premier ministre et du ministre des affaires étrangères, Vu la Constitution, notamment ses articles 52 à 55 ; Vu le décret n° 53-192 du 14 mars 1953 modifié […]


 MSC/Circ.922 du 4 June 1999 RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND TESTS FOR THERMAL PROTECTIVE LIFEJACKETS (TP-LIFEJACKETS) 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-first session (19 to 28 May 1999), responding to the interests expressed by several delegations for the Organization to develop performance standards for thermal protective lifejackets, approved Recommendations on performance standards and tests for thermal protective lifejackets (TP-lifejackets), as set out in the annex. 2 TP-lifejackets may be used in addition to, or in replacement of, on a one-for-one basis, SOLAS-approved lifejackets. […]

RESOLUTION MSC.200 (80) (adopted on 13 May 2005)

RESOLUTION MSC.200 (80) (adopted on 13 May 2005) ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED RECOMMENDATION ON TESTING OF LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE, RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee, RECALLING ALSO resolution A.689(17) on Testing of life-saving appliances, by which the Assembly, at its seventeenth session, adopted recommendations for test requirements for life-saving appliances, RECALLING FURTHER that the Assembly, when adopting resolution A.689(17), authorized the Committee to keep the Recommendation on testing of life-saving […]

RÉSOLUTION MSC.207 (81) engins de sauvetage

RÉSOLUTION MSC.207 (81) (adoptée le 18 mai 2006) ADOPTION D’AMENDEMENTS AU RECUEIL INTERNATIONAL DE RÈGLES RELATIVES AUX ENGINS DE SAUVETAGE (RECUEIL LSA) LE COMITÉ DE LA SÉCURITÉ MARITIME, RAPPELANT l’article 28 b) de la Convention portant création de l’Organisation maritime internationale, qui a trait aux fonctions du Comité, NOTANT la résolution MSC.48(66), par laquelle il avait adopté le Recueil international de règles relatives aux engins de sauvetage (ci-après dénommé « le Recueil LSA »), lequel est devenu obligatoire en vertu du chapitre III de la Convention internationale […]

RESOLUTION MSC. 48 (66) CHAPITRE II. – Engins de sauvetage individuels

R E C U E I L  I N T E R N A T I O N A L DE REGLES RELATIVES AUX ENGINS DE SAUVETAGE (RECUEIL LSA) RESOLUTION MSC. 48 (66) Le Comité de la sécurité maritime, Rappelant l’article 28 b de la Convention portant création de l’Organisation maritime internationale, qui a trait aux fonctions du Comité ; Reconnaissant qu’il est nécessaire d’offrir des normes internationales relatives aux engins de sauvetage prescrits au chapitre III de la Convention internationale […]