Archives mensuelles : février 2015

7 articles

World Fishing & Aquaculture – Ocean Safety launches new Wipe Clean Lifejacket

Ocean Safety has introduced the new Kru Wipe Clean lifejacket for situations when a durable easy clean lifejacket is needed. The new addition features a 3D tailored collar, which increases neck comfort for constant wear, whilst the fabric makes the jacket easier to maintain when working in harsh environments. Kru Wipe Clean is part of a new Workwear range of lifejackets which Ocean Safety has added to its portfolio of lifejacket choices for both the commercial and leisure industry. Kru […]

Géo-risques, connaître les risques près de chez soi.

Sur GéoRisques, vous trouverez de l’information pour tous les publics sur les risques naturels (inondations, séisme, mouvement de terrain, argiles, avalanches…) et technologiques (usines à risques, nucléaire, sols pollués…) : – Sur GéoRisques, vous trouverez de l’information pour tous les publics sur les risques naturels (inondations, séisme, mouvement de terrain, argiles, avalanches…) et technologiques (usines à risques, nucléaire, sols pollués…) : – des interfaces spécifiques permettant d’identifier facilement les risques près de chez vous, ou bien, de naviguer sur une […]

Rückruf: Nadir 100N Adult Rettungswesten | CleanKids-Magazin

Bern, 22.07.2014 – In Zusammenarbeit mit der SUTER TRADING GmbH informiert das Eidgenössische Büro für Konsumentenfragen (BFK) in der Schweiz über den Rückruf von Nadir 100N Adult Rettungswesten. Die Westen von Veleria San Giorgio werden auch in Deutschland über den Bootszubehörhandel und andere Anbieter verkauft. Bitte nehmen Sie unbedingt Kontakt zu ihrem Händler auf, wenn sie eine solche Rettungsweste besitzen! Aufgrund einer Prüfung durch die Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung (bfu) und der Feststellung, dass die erwähnte Weste in gewissen Belangen nicht den Vorschriften entspricht, […]

New arctic immersion suit triumphs over extreme temperatures

A long-time favourite of mariners facing arctic survival risks, VIKING’s PS5002 immersion suit has been upgraded and independently tested at temperatures as low as -62.6 °C. Rigorous sub-zero testing Marine and fire safety equipment leader VIKING Life-Saving Equipment has released the latest model of its popular polar-conditions immersion suit, the VIKING PS5002. The suit’s launch was preceded by one of the most rigorous sub-zero tests ever conducted on this type of personal protection equipment (PPE). “The PS5002 is a very […]

VIKING’s PS5002, new arctic immersion suit triumphs over extreme temperatures

A long-time favourite of mariners facing arctic survival risks, VIKING’s PS5002 immersion suit has been upgraded and independently tested at temperatures as low as -62.6 °C. Rigorous sub-zero testing Marine and fire safety equipment leader VIKING Life-Saving Equipment has released the latest model of its popular polar-conditions immersion suit, the VIKING PS5002. The suit’s launch was preceded by one of the most rigorous sub-zero tests ever conducted on this type of personal protection equipment (PPE). “The PS5002 is a very […]

Survitec – MK50 Sentinel Life Preserver

MK50 Sentinel Life Preserver Developed in direct response to CAA CAP 1034 Category ‘A’ performance guidelines and meeting the requirements of ETSO-2C504 and ETSOC13F the new MK50 Sentinel Lifejacket features an integrated Emergency Breathing System (EBS). Constructed from a flame retardant material, the unique modular design allows full customisation for operating requirements, whilst the slim and ergonomic design allows for maximum comfort and manoeuvrability. The jacket features a twin inflatable chamber with a buoyancy of 275 Newtons. The modular design […]

New VIKING ETSO transport suit tough to beat

“When it comes to passenger suits for helicopter transfer, there are a number of commonly used materials and features that are well-suited to the task,” says Jens Peter Kruse, Vice President, PPE at leading maritime and fire safety equipment manufacturer and service provider VIKING Life-Saving Equipment. “We’ve taken this into account with our new suit, and we’ve made a tremendous number of comfort and safety improvements, too.” Jens Peter is referring to VIKING’s latest addition to what is already the […]