Soft Elias Baby lifejacket 100 N, REGATTA


The Regatta Soft Baby lifejacket is developed together with parents and babies which have tested the lifejacket during the development process.

The lifejacket provides a stabile floating position in the water.

  • Buoyancy:   56N (min. required buoyancy 30N)
  • Size:  Less than 15 kg
  • Colour:   Fluorescent Lemon with patterns of Elias
  • Weight:   0,5 kg.
  • Approval: ISO 12402-4 / 100N
Soft Elias Baby

Regatta Soft Baby turns the baby easily to a face up position.

It is easy to adjust and fits well to the body.

  • Light weighted
  • Outer fabric in fluorescent high visibility colour with Teddy pattern.
  • Soft PVC buoyancy material
  • Zipper and two belts with click buckle in front
  • Beavertail for individual adjustment
  • Whistle and SOLAS reflective tapes
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